Friday, May 22, 2009

Grace Baptist Preschool End-of-the-Year Program for Eden (AKA I Couldn't Think of a Clever Title)

This is our family's fourth consecutive year at Grace Baptist Pre-school, and we love it! Eden ADORED her 2 year old class this year, and her teachers Mrs. Leila and Mrs. Linda were AWESOME! Eden learned to recognize her name and her colors. (She can count too but only if she thinks you aren't listening.) She always got treasure box for good behavior (invariably she picked a Dum-Dum pop), and her teachers said she was a BIG helper. Most importantly she learned her blessing 'God Our Father, we thank you . . .' and that Jesus loves her! We are very proud of our baby girl.

Every day I'd say, "Eden, what did you do at school today?" And every day the first thing I heard was "Play Rachel and Max." That's him below - the first one - wavy blond hair. (She must have the hots for him or something.) And down the line Taylor, Eden, Bryant, ? (sorry I don't know her name), and Reagan. (I did also hear about 'play gym,' 'play playground,' 'sing songs,' 'draw,' and 'chapel.')

Here they are in their end-of-the-year program. (She's not quite as LOUD a singer as her older sister always was - ha! - but a good clapper nonetheless.)

Proud Momma . . .

Face painting afterwards . . .

The BFF Rachel . . .

GG and Pops . . .

Fishing . . .

Still a Daddy's girl . . .

Eli getting in on the action too . . .

It's a "buh" he says, ie bug.

So, Eden moves up to the 3s class, and Eli will start 2s in the Fall. I won't deny that I am EXCITED about that!! :) Excited that summer is here too! Woo hoo!

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