Friday, May 22, 2009

Friday Funnies

Here are a recent few:

While riding in the car with Eve and Mommy, Eden (3yo) says "I'm not talking to you Eve. I'm talking to Eden's self." (Well . . . of course . . . excuse us.)

And after accidentally letting the air out of a balloon Eden says "Look Mom! I blowed it down."

And classic Eden is "Buckle me out pease." Oh and don't forget about when she fell down on the 'com-cwepe' (that's like concrete but harder I guess).

Eli (21 months) must have learned his spatial relationships from her because he constantly says "Down" which means 'Pick me up please.' And now he says "juuu" which you might think means 'juice' but actually means 'May I have some chocolate milk please?'

Which to Eve (6yo) is so funny she is "laughing at the top of her lungs."

I love it!!!!!!!!! (And the spell-checker doesn't like this post very much! Ha!)

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