Friday, May 29, 2009

Eve's Kindergarten Graduation

Congratulations! We're on our way to 1st Grade!!! Can't believe it - May 22nd was Eve's Kindergarten Graduation. And Mommy survived her first year of public school - only needing one pep talk from the guidance counselor.

I cannot even describe how much Eve LOVES her teacher Mrs. Johnson. I would find pictures and notes around the house with "I love you" etc. and I just KNEW they were for ME - but then Eve would say "Umm - Mommy - I made that for my teacher . . . " (and as an afterthought) "but I'll make one for you too." (I'm OK - really.)

Lots of good friends - Maggie

Braden (looks thrilled to be taking a picture with a GIRL!)

Summer - I think they were twins separated at birth - couldn't believe Eve had someone taller than her in her class.

The good ole family

Last hugs and words of encouragement - so sweet.

What a great year!!

And I was wondering why I kept thinking the rest of the day 'Ain't No Mountain . . . higher than my laundry pile.' (Eve's the one in the back doing the mad finger-waving - and please excuse the not-so-high-quality video . . .we forgot the video camera so the digital camera had to suffice - oops.)

Hope the rest of the Riverside school years are as good as this one was!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Letting Go

This was written by the third place finisher Danny Gokey in this year's American Idol. Amazing. I found it on the website (and I admit I voted for him LOTS!)

One lesson I’ve learned from children that has had tremendous power in my life is “letting go”. If you have ever had to intervene in a bout between two children fighting over a toy, you'll notice the emotions running high, tears streaming down each child's face, and their precious hearts torn from what was perceived in their eyes as a huge conflict. After you correct them and settle the situation, within five minutes they have already restored their relationship between their former foe and are having even more fun than previously before the fight. Their hearts have not yet accepted or entertained the idea of depositing the seeds of bitterness or anger.

A child exercises the ability to let go of the hurtful situation and they move forward in their relationship with one another in life (notice how they always enjoy life because they don't harbor harmful emotions). I've noticed in my life that when my heart has gripped around a certain hurtful situation from the past, it hinders me from being able to move forward and fully enjoy living.

The most relevant situation that I can share with you is when my wife passed away. The emotions from losing my spouse were overwhelming, not to mention all the previous years of doctors visits, hospital stays, and the hardest thing of all having to watch my wife cry at times because of the pain. This all led up to the final outcome. Doctors told me she only had a 10% chance of dying during this operation and I felt we exhausted our options financially, spiritually, physically, and medically yet nothing worked. I was shocked from the sudden loss and left with the hounding questions: “why me” and “why her”, with an overwhelming pit of despair. Through that situation I became vulnerable to emotions I didn't want but barely resisted because of my analytical mind trying to reason every little detail. Bitterness, anger and resentment began to fill my mind and started to take root in my heart, which launched me into a 3 month deep depression. You see, I know many people would say that is normal. I do believe this is true within a certain balance, but I know in my heart of hearts what I was going through was not normal. I felt like I had to put on a face for everybody to cover what was really going on inside. Deep down inside, I felt there was not hope for me and I really wanted to die. If I had not dealt with this, it probably could have somehow or someway took me out. So, I began pray and cry out to God for help and I believe I found the answer.

The answer I found was exactly this; "let go" or "cause yourself to let go". I admit that answer was not appealing to me because I found no justice in it, and most of all it didn't instantly remove any pain. But I knew that if I continued down this road it would have a price that I could never afford to pay. You see, the cost of hanging on to the bitterness and anger was actually much greater than the cost of simply letting go. I was very reluctant to do it. At times it was hard and I literally had to cause myself (force myself) to let go. Letting go doesn't mean forgetting about Sophia but does mean releasing the toxic emotions tied to the situation. However, I can tell you today that I am able to enjoy life more and I'm grabbing hold of new opportunities that would have otherwise been lost. I’m not buried in my bed under my sheets at home being angry at the world and God, but I’m in the stages of healing because my heart is not bound by resentment. I’m able to see how her life and heart can touch countless others through this foundation and other avenues in her honor.

I’m an advocate of protecting the heart. Your heart is your real set of eyes. What I mean by that is that if your heart has become evil through seeds of anger and hate, you will interpret life and every person’s actions through those negative eyes. A person might come shake your hand and compliment you at work, and your heart might analyze what they have done as having some kind of hidden motive or agenda. You might spend countless hours wondering why they’re out to get you. On the other hand, if you have a pure heart you would shake your co-workers hand, accept their compliment and be touched by their kindness.

When I let go, that is when I was able move forward. The doorway to your future and destiny is only big enough for you to walk through, not you and your past. Past and future don't mix. It’s either one or the other. If you hold on to your past, your future will only be revisiting that past over and over again. I know it seems hard and it’s not the answer you might want to hear, but take it from someone who has been there. I can tell you, it has been 1,000 times better to just let go than it was to hang on and demand answers and justice. So many families are torn apart because of people’s unwillingness to let go by forgiving and forgetting. Many people tend to think that terrible situations and terrible relationships will somehow fix themselves. They think that emotions of anger and unforgiveness will bring about justice; yet scientific studies link those emotions to many harmful diseases, which often lead to an early death.

I've made a choice to be free. I've made a choice to cherish and be thankful for the wonderful times I shared with Sophia. It’s not easy. Some mornings I'll wake up and be plagued with anger and sadness, yet I CHOOSE to release those emotions and I CHOOSE to exercise gratefulness, which always makes for a better day. With that powerful principal, I was able to remove from my heart the roots and growth planted by the seeds of bitterness, and I allowed the seeds of thankfulness and joy take its place. Soon, I believe it won’t be as much of a battle because my heart will only harvest and cultivate those attributes.

I strongly urge you to examine your life, release and let go once and for all those things that have held you back. It could be a harmful self-image, disappointments, setbacks, wrong relationships or anything else that hold you in the pit of your past and keeps you from embracing your present and future. Become like a child and don't let your heart hang on to those things, but let it always bounce back with new hopes and second chances. The best is yet to come for you! Believe it, it’s yours for the taking!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Grace Baptist Preschool End-of-the-Year Program for Eden (AKA I Couldn't Think of a Clever Title)

This is our family's fourth consecutive year at Grace Baptist Pre-school, and we love it! Eden ADORED her 2 year old class this year, and her teachers Mrs. Leila and Mrs. Linda were AWESOME! Eden learned to recognize her name and her colors. (She can count too but only if she thinks you aren't listening.) She always got treasure box for good behavior (invariably she picked a Dum-Dum pop), and her teachers said she was a BIG helper. Most importantly she learned her blessing 'God Our Father, we thank you . . .' and that Jesus loves her! We are very proud of our baby girl.

Every day I'd say, "Eden, what did you do at school today?" And every day the first thing I heard was "Play Rachel and Max." That's him below - the first one - wavy blond hair. (She must have the hots for him or something.) And down the line Taylor, Eden, Bryant, ? (sorry I don't know her name), and Reagan. (I did also hear about 'play gym,' 'play playground,' 'sing songs,' 'draw,' and 'chapel.')

Here they are in their end-of-the-year program. (She's not quite as LOUD a singer as her older sister always was - ha! - but a good clapper nonetheless.)

Proud Momma . . .

Face painting afterwards . . .

The BFF Rachel . . .

GG and Pops . . .

Fishing . . .

Still a Daddy's girl . . .

Eli getting in on the action too . . .

It's a "buh" he says, ie bug.

So, Eden moves up to the 3s class, and Eli will start 2s in the Fall. I won't deny that I am EXCITED about that!! :) Excited that summer is here too! Woo hoo!

Friday Funnies

Here are a recent few:

While riding in the car with Eve and Mommy, Eden (3yo) says "I'm not talking to you Eve. I'm talking to Eden's self." (Well . . . of course . . . excuse us.)

And after accidentally letting the air out of a balloon Eden says "Look Mom! I blowed it down."

And classic Eden is "Buckle me out pease." Oh and don't forget about when she fell down on the 'com-cwepe' (that's like concrete but harder I guess).

Eli (21 months) must have learned his spatial relationships from her because he constantly says "Down" which means 'Pick me up please.' And now he says "juuu" which you might think means 'juice' but actually means 'May I have some chocolate milk please?'

Which to Eve (6yo) is so funny she is "laughing at the top of her lungs."

I love it!!!!!!!!! (And the spell-checker doesn't like this post very much! Ha!)

Dedications and Graduations Oh My!

So last Sunday, May 17th Eli got dedicated to the Lord at TrueNorth Church . . . thank goodness he was feeling better because he threw up on Mommy the night before. :)

Uncle Bart, Cousin Bryton, Pops, and GG were there for the big day.

I hope we don't have TWO sets of kissing cousins . . . ahem.

Hangin' out with GG . . .
It was also the last day of our Columbia County campus so a day of mixed emotions :(

With our great buddies David and Gayle . . .

and awesome Abbie!

Only missing 3 others in this gang . . .
And then yesterday we had Eden's 2yo Pre-school End-of-the-Year Program and today Eve's Kindergarten graduation . . . a big week! More pictures coming soon . . .

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Can't Compete with Oreos

This is take 2 - the first version of this got deleted accidentally. . .uuuggghh.

So yesterday Eve declared "This is the best day of my whole life ever!" Although Mommy would like to think it was because I came up to her school to eat lunch with her, I think it really had more to do with this . . .

That is Oreo. He (she? but we'll just say he) is the school mascot. He lives in the school courtyard, and most of our previous lunch time visits included futile attempts to get Oreo to come out of his little home in the middle of a big bush. But today Oreo hopped out all on his own! And Mommy was the hero when I actually got him in my lap. (Photo courtesy of Eve Dennard - future professional photographer)

So Oreo got lots of attention and a really good back rub. Mommy really likes soft furry animals (i.e. NOT dogs - sorry), so I did have a moment of temporary insanity when I thought 'Maybe we should get a bunny for home.' Thankfully, I came to my senses before the question was actually asked by Eve. 'Well, maybe when you are in high school.' So clever, I know. I learned my lesson the hard way when I told her a few years ago she could have a guinea pig when she turned six. (Time sure flies - and a friend recently commented that Eve probably remembers being born! - Elephants got nothin' on her.) Thankfully, Eve opted for the book bag birthday present instead. Go figure. It was close though, and Mommy was a little worried.

Anyway, here she is in the courtyard next to the fish pond.

And here we are - my last school lunch with Eve as a kindergartner. Sniff.

Have a good summer Oreo!! Don't eat too many carrots! Hope to see you again next year!

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Taken For Granted

How do you really live not taking things for granted? How do you treasure every moment you have of your life? with your spouse? with your children? with your parents? with your health? How do you constantly appreciate having a home? a job? food? clothes?

I don't know how.
I know I don't do it.
I know I should.
I know I try.
I know I sometimes do.
I know I've lost things.
I know I see other people lose things.
I know I could lose any one or all of those things that are so important to me at any time . . .

But I also know I can't live in fear of those things being gone. Things change. I KNOW God will carry me through ANYTHING that happens or that He allows, but how do I really take full advantage of every gift I'm given now? Right now. Today. Every day.

How do I live that truly thankful life? I say that I'm thankful. I say the blessing before I eat. But do I really mean it? Honestly, don't I take it for granted? And how can I be thankful for the dishes and the laundry and the sweeping and the vacuuming and the homework and the discipline and the shredded cheese all over the table and the stamps on the walls and the vaseline all over the place?

I guess what I'm really asking is how do I have the fullest most abundant life I possibly can. How? Hmm . . . wait a minute. That sounds sort of familiar.

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

I know who said that. So is that the answer to all my questions? Is He the answer to all my questions? The 'how' is actually a 'who'? Jesus? I think so. I know so. Jesus. Jesus every day. Jesus every moment. More of him - less of me. More of Him in me. Change my thinking. Change my focus. Die to self. Pick up my cross. Every day. Every moment. Thankful. Not taken for granted.

I'll keep trying. I know I'll fail. I'm not perfect. But He is. Jesus.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Price of Peace and Quiet

So sometimes peace and quiet is priceless . . . and sometimes it is verrrry expensive. Take today for example. The kids were so good all morning while Mommy and Daddy were getting ready to have a friend's baby shower at our house (which went very well I might add - Mommy actually COOKED!)

But then, Mommy and Daddy were REALLY tired afterwards, and Daddy's allergies were killing him. So Daddy laid down for a nap in the bedroom, and Mommy thought 'I'll just lay right here on the couch. They can't get in too much trouble right?' Well . . .

Part 1: Mommy suddenly wakes up from the couch thinking 'Did I tell Eve she could get cheese?' And in fact, I was correct because the evidence showed 3 children at the table and shredded cheese everywhere.

Part 2: Mommy locks herself in the office, so she won't kill the children. And then, a knock at the door and little Eden's voice 'Mommy, Eli's stepping on the walls.' To which Mommy replies, 'What? Eli's stepping on the walls?' To which Eden says, 'No! Eli's STAMPING on the walls!' Mommy jumps up to find not only walls covered in pink princess stamps but hands, arms, faces, legs and every other inch not covered in clothes.

So at this point, Mommy goes in to wake up Daddy . . . 'Sorry to wake you up, but if you don't help me I might kill the children.'

Part 3: After dinner, Mommy walking around the kitchen in her bare feet thinks 'What is that? I just cleaned the floor this morning.' And then discovers a trail of laundry detergent from the laundry room to the kitchen sink. So if our dishes smell like Tide and our laundry smells like Cascade - you'll know why.

Part 4: Mommy doing dishes and Daddy reading books to Eden and Eve on the couch. Mommy thinks 'Hmmm . . . I just saw Eli with his toothbrush - uh oh - that means he's been in the bathroom.' And correct again - Eli walks out covered in vaseline (AFTER his bath to get off all the stamps I might add).

So that was our evening from 5-8pm. I think they are in bed, and we are safe now . . . until morning and we can start all over again. Ahhh, the price of peace and quiet.

This Is Only a Test

Ok - so I am still testing out Picasa and Blogger.

This is Eli climbing up to the top of the ladder (by himself - my fearless son - Daddy followed because Mommy doesn't like to go to the ER on her days off!)

This is what happens when you leave Eli alone with a bowl of lasagna.

He's quite proud of himeself I think - and he also has no problem with his masculinity since he is sporting his sister's 'Cute as a Button' bib.

And hangin' with Daddy on the couch.

Ok - that's all for now. Thought I would try something easy before I tackle the thousands of pictures I took at DISNEY WORLD . . .
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