Tuesday, April 14, 2009

The Big Switch?

Still trying to decide if I'm gonna switch to blogspot from wordpress. It's soooo hard to change!! I want a personal blogspot tutor to help me learn how it all works over here. (Do I hear any friends volunteering?!!) :) Anyway, I've really been wanting to have cute backgrounds and music on my blog (and couldn't ever quite figure out that part on wordpress) so here goes. I already can't figure out how to get the blog title in that nice little white box up there. Arrrggg. So I will now go spend more precious hours of my life trying to re-figure out how to post pictures and videos etc. on my blog. Wish me luck (and patience)!!

And PS Can someone PLEASE tell me why it is changing 2 spaces to 1 after every sentence?? That is going to drive me CRAZY!!

And PS Part 2 If you want to check out the old blog it was/is http://dennardfamily.wordpress.com


  1. You'll like Blogger much better....much more user friendly! :)
