Tuesday, October 27, 2009

And the Results!!

Can you guess which one Mommy did? Eve did hers all by herself - I was impressed! And Eden and Eli did the fingerpainting. :)

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Pumpkin Carving (and Painting) 2009

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Monday, October 26, 2009

A Big Boy Bed and a Breakdown

Tonight we had a monumental occasion in the Dennard family . . . Eli moved into his big boy bed, and the breakdown was not Eli's - rather Mommy's. (Ok - maybe not a breakdown, but definitely a sad moment.) It's the first time in 6 years we haven't had a crib up in our home, and not just any crib - this crib. (OK - I'm just gonna go ahead and get nostalgic.)

This crib - the one I can remember Daddy working on in the garage at our house in Greenville - cutting, sanding, and painting himself. The crib that was so clean and ready- carefully prepared, adorned in gender-neutral Noah's ark bedding, head-positioner precisely in place (like THAT thing was actually going to get used!), waiting for that first baby on the way . . . then baby Eve sleeping soundly, easily in it . . . then months and months later getting disinfected because she decided to smear poop all over it.

Then getting moved back to Augusta and decorated to the hilt for a GIRL on the way - pink and flowers all around. Then baby Eden in the middle of it buckled snugly in her car seat because that was the only way she would stop SCREAMING!

Then waiting on baby three - leaving the pink just in case but YAY! A BOY! - getting to decorate in blue and cars and trucks. And then all those times since . . . Eden climbing in there to be with her baby brother and Eve dragging, I mean helping, him out in the morning. And most recently, Eli running in there to "climb" in by himself.

My goodness, so many naps, so many 'Nite-nite - I love you's.' So many times Mommy sneaking in there to check on her babies late at night . . .

Well, at least that part will stay the same . . . just new memories in a new bed - it already has a good start I suppose. Mommy's Uncle Chris hand-crafted it for Mommy's cousins when they were little boys almost 20 years ago and now it's passed down to the next generation. (Daddy still has to put the top bunk up - tomorrow's to-do list.)

And as some friends pointed out, there is another way to get that crib back in use . . . I think I'll hang onto it . . . just in case. :)

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Eli Did It!

I guess Eli thinks you learn to read by osmosis. If that's the case, he should be a genius very soon!

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wow!! That was soooo COOL - and FAST!!
Testing out blogging from my phone . . .

Monday, October 12, 2009

Playhouse Disney Live!

Last weekend Mommy and the kids went to see Playhouse Disney Live! It was fun - especially watching Eli 'pat, pat, pat' and then blast-off! (Any mother with little ones knows this is from Little Einsteins.) Eden's favorite (no surprise) was Mickey Mouse. Anyway, we had a blast! (No pun intended.) :)

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Trying to do some blog catching-up . . . only 2 more relatively big events to blog about now - our trip up to Ashville last month for the Apple Festival and our trip to Kackleberry Farm yesterday. Hopefully can post the pics soon - they are CUTE!!

Miscellaneous October

So I never got Ei's BD pictures posted, I told you I have trouble with the big events! So here are just a few random pictures.
If you can't read the shirt, it says "Genius in the making." He's taking after his mother - ha!

And our beautiful ballerina - she's taking lessons (and LOVES to twirl) but says it's soccer next time!

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Oh No!

About a month ago, we were all home and heard a big BOOM! We went outside to see this . . . 2 doors down the house was on fire! Thankfully, the family of 4 wasn't home at the time. Their Golden Retriever Scout was though but eventually made it out safe - after he bit the fireman! It was an awful thing to watch - tragic, all possessions and a home lost . . . yet at the same time thankful that life was spared. It definitely puts things in perspective. The first words out of Eve's mouth "Mommy, what if our house burned down?" And the answer "If that happened, then God would take care of us." My Beth Moore Bible study on the book of Esther was just talking about that same thing: If anything (fill in your own worst nightmare), then God. We can't live in fear of what might happen - instead TRUST HIM if (or when) it does!

Eli's reaction pretty much sums it all up. Thoughts and prayers and community-wide help continue for this family.
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